We are a transdisciplinary research line at the Architecture and Arts Faculty in Hasselt University, Belgium.

We also publish an open access, peer-reviewed journal, Passage.


Passage has always existed to promote a more intimate way of doing things in academia.

With three issues under our belt, we want to reconsider how we go about future publications.

We do not want to contribute to the publish or perish culture, and not want to simply publish for the sake of it.

We want to be part of a meaningful conversation involving our writers and readers, and this engagement requires more time than what the current yearly commitment allows for.

Therefore, we have decided that while Passage will continue to exist, it will be at a necessary slower pace.

We are foreseeing publishing issues every two years, and using the extra time between issues to work more closely with our contributors.

With this we hope to create a more sustainable approach to academic publishing.

Thanks for bearing with us,

The Passage editors

Broadening ways of living, dwelling, and knowing.

Wayward scholarship,

hybrid writing.

Relating artistic practices to (interior) architecture.

Experimenting with architectural devices in the arts.

We have a (very irregular) newsletter. You can subscribe HERE.