These are some works by the members of our research line. They are mostly creative-critical pieces, but we have also included a few theoretical articles that can inform and support creative-critical practices.


Refabulating Domesticity: a Reparative Reading of the Interior Genre-painting

Das Retirée or the last house of my father

I write while disappearing

5 Dreams with Implications: On Private Methodologies of Artistic Research

Dictionary of Apocalypse


Brasilia Is Blood on a Tennis Court’. Julia Kristeva’s ‘Semiotic’ and the Embodied Metaphors of Clarice Lispector
It all begins with an idea.

Roland Barthes and the "Affective Truths" of Autotheory

Meteorologie van het innerlijk
Meterologie van het innerlijk

“Wherever you go, you will be a city”: minor memories and tactics of empathy in the work of Lisa Robertson
Sensing the night between us. Benjamin’s amourous wanderings through dark space
It all begins with an idea.